Dukhan Bank Special Offers
At Dukhan Bank we're always working to provide you with the best deals and promotions. And that’s why with Dukhan Bank you’ll have access to a curated selection of exclusive retail offers to enjoy. Have deals and offers that would bring you closer to hotels, restaurants, shopping and more. Click on our special offer categories below to discover our Dukhan Bank credit card discount offers in Qatar:
You can also enjoy MasterCard and Visa offers in addition to the Dukhan Bank offers.
Dukhan Bank has arranged the discount offers through a third party and holds no responsibility whatsoever in nature. In case of any concerns please report your complaint to the Dukhan Bank Contact Center and the same will be forwarded.
How to avail discounts -
To take advantage of the offers, please inform the merchant about your Dukhan Bank Card before ordering the item.